Characters watch in silence.

This is the rabbit hole.

mask@gardenofremembering:~$> ls


mask@gardenofremembering:~$> help

This is the garden.

We changed the name when the world ended. No need to remind us of what we lost, right? So we changed it. We used the patterns already established to obfuscate the illicit, and we obfuscated the licit. We changed the name and we forgot. The contents moved.
They no longer tied to that which was lost.

But that could mean almost anything. Even now we obfuscate. We mention nothing specific. No great wars, no circular hypertext, no libraries, no anglers, no scary sisters plotting in their corners. There of course was no series of dreamers, no random phrases applied to just as random pretties. No, these nightmares were perfectly planned, flawlessly meaningful, arranged impeccably by date.

There is no recollection here.

Do not enter the garden.

mask@gardenofremembering:~$> wtf

It is said that the internet is forever.

This is not true. Things get lost, times change, people forget.

mask@gardenofremembering:~$> _

He must wield the mythological Penis of Persuasion. I personally have never encountered one, but I have heard tales of a dick so golden that it causes those who fall under its spell to lose their ability to logic, reason or stand up for themselves. It has a female counterpart, the Pussy of Persuasion - a golden cavern of reputed muscular dexterity that men will throw all their time, treasure and common sense away. I too have never encountered this mythical beast as well. But apparently, they are all over the place from what Reddit tells me. I personally am glad to have never encountered either in the wild.