Characters and Things
The Fanged
Fanged Peas
Fanged Ham
Fanged Muffin
Fanged Cabbage
Fanged Steak
Yasa Nihari
Darren Shahanna
Alexis Shahanna
Nathan Felwood
Rachel Lorrenz
Random Bloke
Disembodied Voice guy
The Floor Fern
Fern's Goat
Giant undead flamingos
That guy who got fired on the first day
Mr. Scruffy
Mr. Not-Appearing-In-This-Comic
Anyone and anything else
Giant undead flamingos
That guy who got fired on the first day
Mr. Scruffy
Mr. Not-Appearing-In-This-Comic
Anyone and anything else
What, you expected something more than a relist for the non-recurrent? Please. They didn't even deserve that.
Fanged Theme
Audio/mpeg (requires LAME or other codec) - 50s, 710kB
Fanged Theme © 2010 nobody in particular because the creator has no desire to actually be associated with it and is instead hiding in a corner.
( CC0: To the extent possible under law, the person who wants nothing to do with this has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the Fanged Theme.)